Wednesday, August 6, 2014

The Moonie Mark 21—Roger’s Plane

The sound of an engine coming to life as I sit in an airplane—getting ready for a take-off. The sweet sound of that engine as I taxi for my turn to take-off.

The final push of the lever to full on: Look out World! Here I come.

Goodbye worries and bad thoughts as my wheels leave the runway.
I’m where I most like to be—off the ground, motor just a hum.

Hate to put this plane back on the ground.

Time to become me once again. There is no more gas.

Time to land. Time to wait until next time.

Roger Wilson 7/31/14 in writing class

1 comment:

lgs said...

Can remember you soloing and asking mom why they were taking a piece of your shirt. We were so proud of you! ♡