Finding myself with a blog is so amazing.
When I was born, people were still holding a piece of coal
up to their ears to listen to a radio broadcast. [Early microphones and hearing
aids used bits of carbon—like those in a piece of coal—to help transmit noises
more clearly.]
People held their breath, turned the coal pieces carefully, and
really listened, though what they heard was only a word here and there—and a
lot of humming.
What a big event when my family got our first radio! It had a green
eye that glowed when it was on, and we watched that glowing eye as we enjoyed Fibber McGee and Mollie and The Shadow. Only the Shadow “knows what
evil lurks in the hearts of men.”
Today, my blog has put my writing out to a worldwide
audience. People have been so kind. As I read their comments, I have a real
appreciation for being able to find someone who needed a smile, someone who
might say, “Right on, Roger!”
Thank you, one and all for tuning in and for asking me to
write more.
I now have friends on a worldwide basis…and none of us has
to hold our breath to hear each other’s thoughts!
Thank you, and hope you had a Merry Christmas and wishing
you a happy New Year,
Roger Wilson
Author of Loving
Life: A Roughneck’s Guide to Having it All.

A 99-cent candy bar that I hope will
make your day brighter!