Monday, October 6, 2014

“It’s Time to Remember”

The alarm went off and I felt for Francie. She was already up. I could smell the coffee and I knew breakfast was on the way.

As I moved my body out of bed and shuffled off to find the bathroom, there was no way I could know what was ahead. The first thing I noticed was my dress shirt tied around the shower curtain. My trousers were inside out, and on the floor. My socks didn’t match. The shoes were one dress shoe and the other one a tennis shoe. What is going on here? I wondered.

Into the kitchen I went, wearing nothing but a towel and a smile. As I saw my wife cooking breakfast, wearing nothing but her apron, she turned, put the spatula down, and gave me a kiss. I asked her what I had done wrong. She just gave me a silly grin and said, “Do you know what day this is?”

I said, “Yes, it’s Thursday.”

“Keep going,” she said. “What month?”

“October,” I said.

“You’re getting closer,” she said. “What number?”

When I said “four,” I knew what was going on. It was our 36th wedding anniversary. I had forgotten it!

As she kissed me, she said, “I’m five foot two. My eyes are blue; my hair is blonde and naturally curly, and I weigh 102 pounds. And, lucky boy, today, you get the ride of your life!”

It started in the kitchen and ended with our breakfast burned and the kitchen a mess. But we both knew who loved who on this anniversary day.

Wise woman, she said, “Let’s get a shower. Your work clothes are on the bed. I set the clock up an hour. So no need to be late getting to work. Let’s just remember this day and the fun we have had on our wedding day, remembered, our 36th!”

Roger Wilson 



While standing at the airport, waiting to board an airplane, I overheard one lady saying to another, “Let’s stay in touch.”

While shooting pool, it was evident that a fine touch was needed to sink the ball and leave me a good shot for my next move on the table.

While riding a horse, a gentle touch on the reins will let your horse know which way to turn. 

When curing a hangover, a “touch of the dog” may make you feel better. 

The touch of a lover’s lips on yours is a treasure for both of you.

In basketball, when making a “lay-up” shot, the ball will touch the backboard.

Landing an airplane on a dark night, on a short runway, in a foreign country will activate every touch sense in your body: fingers, hands, feet, and even your bottom!

If you are lucky, touch the ground and smile as you roll to a safe stop. Touch is truly a pilot’s friend.

Your eyes have a major touch. You look across the room; your eyes touch. If you’re lucky, you get to touch her with the next dance.

Touch is not silent. We touch each other with a phone call. We touch each other with a smile. We touch each other when we smile. We touch each other when we wave. We touch each other when we cry together, laugh together, hug together, or walk hand-in-hand—the perfect touch.

When we are lonely, all alone, and lonely, it is time to remember God is available NOW. He will never put you on hold. His touch is sure, and we need to remember that he loves us.

The touch of a baby’s hand is a powerful thing. The little hand wrapped around one finger gives you a moment you will never out-live.

There are words that touch us: Goodbye. Why? Maybe. When? It helps if we remember that I have been touched before and I’m still here. So when you touch me, with words, feeling fingers, looks or anger…the only thing I want to be touched by is to know we are friends.

Roger Wilson 8-14-14