Saturday, April 2, 2016

May Poetry Corner in Northwest Prime Time

Roger Wilson, longtime student and friend, died on March 22.

He contributed many poems and stories to Sharing Stories and to Poetry Corner.

His eBooks are still available on Amazon: Loving Life  and Loving Wife: Roughneck Guide to a Happy Marriage . (Loving Life is also available in paperback form. It's in color.)
His blog is still fully functioning and full of wisdom at

Roger and Francie on their wedding day...together again.

Dedicated to Fran, Francy, Francie—
wife, lover, mother, friend.
Thank you for reminding me that every day is a gift
we get to hold only for 24 hours.
The only thing that matters is helping others to feel better
 just by giving a smile, a hug or a song.
Those are the ones we will remember every day from now on.
Francie, you are the gift I open every new day
and happily take along with me.
I have loved you all day long for so long—66 years—a God given gift.
Look out, Francie.
Here I come.
Roger Wilson